Wednesday, January 20, 2010

emma words.

last week, when we were visiting jackie, michael, and baby eliana, jason and i were sitting cozy on the couch. jason was holding eliana, and i was looking adoringly at them - probably thinking a) how excited i am to have our own little one so soon, and b) how great my hubby is with babies!

emma sighed, gestured towards eliana, and, in all seriousness, said to me:

"baby... i KNOW you want THIS baby, but that's jackie's baby. you can't have her. we're gonna get our own baby really soon, ok? you just have to wait..."

i love my daughter's concern for my sanity. i may have run off with baby girl blow if emma hadn't been there to speak some sense into me. :)


Mrs. Frazier said...

cutie!! she is so thoughtful & condierate... :)

Rhonda said...

The insight Emma has at her age is amazing! You are going to have your hands full in a couple of years!! ;)

Amy said...
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Anna said...

Sara! That is hiliarious! I pray that we have children with as much personality as Emma. She's adorable and I love reading about her.:)

Just wanted to stop in and say hi! Hope to see you sometime soon!

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