Tuesday, November 1, 2011


ok. so i miserably failed at keeping up with my blog since my ONE post at the beginning of the summer. because i'm amazing. and busy. and just had a million things going on to keep me from posting.

and because i'm a perfectionist and i wanted to have everything set-up and available to be able to catch up on EVERYTHING i'd missed posting on over the previous year. and since i didn't have that together, i just. didn't. do. anything.

story of my life. {sigh.}


i really want to start fresh, even if i can't catch up on everything i've missed. :) so since today is november 1st, bringing thanksgiving oh-so-near, i have a desire to post something i'm thankful for, for each day of the month. for 30 days. and maybe my blogging habit will pick up again.

until i miss a day and get overwhelmed with the idea of making up for each day i've missed so i can have 30 posts in numerical order... ha!

but onto the real reason for this post... :)


i am immensely thankful that this year is so much better than last year at this time. last year, rylie was almost 5 months old, and i was just over 2 months into my first year of teaching, and emma was having a hard time adjusting, and things were just. so. hard. i felt like i was barely surviving.

this year, i am SHOCKED at the fact that i have just over 30 working days left in this semester. which means it's almost half-way over!! and, sure, there are stressful moments, but it is nothing like last year. and i am SO thankful for that.

i truly believe that God knows there is no way i could possibly endure another year like last year, and in his graciousness, He granted me the strength to power through this year, and allowed it to be much more manageable than last. i have hope for the future with what this year has been already, and am actually excited about continuing with my students through june! :)

and for that, i am VERY thankful. :)

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